2023-2024 Projects

2022-2023 Projects

 EDEN Association for the promotion of Educational  Social and Cultural Projects in the Northern Negev

New Start is the first program in Israel to assist young traumatized women who lack family support (aged 18-25) to integrate effectively into the labor market. This innovative program offers a holistic response that includes residency, career counseling, employability skills advancement, and job integration process, alongside trauma-oriented therapy. The program’s primary goal is to address this population’s unique combination of needs to help them integrate successfully in the job market and maintain their employment.


LA’OFEK- Hope for the Future- Achotenu

Achotenu-Nachshonim empowers Ethiopian-Israelis young women to gain entry to and successfully complete academic study and find stable employment in the paramedical field – Achotenu in nursing; Nachshonim in occupational therapy. Graduates attain careers and financial stability, changing the way Ethiopian-Israelis view academia.


IT WORKS- Single Mothers Project from Poverty to Success.

Single Mothers Economic Advancement program provides single mothers’ women with the concrete skills they need to find suitable and higher wage employment. We work with women who are the sole providers in their households and live in poverty. It works’ unique model elevates single mothers’ households through highly in demand vocational trainings. Thereby changing the future not only for the participants, but for their entire families.


TURNING THE TABLES- Creating a future

Creating a Future is a rehabilitative school for fashion, for the professional, personal, and economic advancement of women on the continuum of prostitution. The program includes comprehensive psychosocial treatment, is intended for adult women aged 18 and over, and is attended by about 100 women a year, in Haifa and Tel Aviv. The groundbreaking program is operated in collaboration with the National Insurance Institute for the fifth year in great success.


ATID BAMIDBAR R.A-Employment Empowerment for Bedouin Women

Propel 10 18-yr-old Bedouin young women to academic studies by strengthening their Hebrew, math & English, thus changing their future. Give 35 Bedouin mothers training in Hebrew, sewing and tourism, thus extracting them from poverty and enabling them to earn a stable, significant salary from culturally-adapted work, and help advance their 50-100 children, and serve as a role model for sisters & other Bedouin women.


Economic Empowerment for Women-A Business of One’s Own: Business and Empowerment Training for women.

EEW seeks support for its “Business of One’s Own” program. The program has been running successfully for 22 years, constantly being revised, and expanded to new populations. The program provides a comprehensive approach to helping low-income and marginalized women reach economic independence through self-employment. The program is run I cooperation with local municipalities. It includes large and small group meetings, as well as personal consultations that help women from the social and geographic periphery in Israel, improve their economic situation by empowering them with business knowledge and skills that are needed to begin their own micro-enterprises and personal belief in themselves and their capabilities. We are requesting support for two courses, one in Hebrew and one in Arabic to help us reach out goal of 8-10 courses in the coming year.


Olim Beyahad -Ariela Group Program for Excellence in STEM

The program serves Ethiopian Israeli girls from Petach Tikva who are identified as possessing potential for excellence in STEM. Participants begin the program in 7th grade and continue through 12th grade with the goal of enabling them to complete the full 5-unit high school matriculation exams in mathematics, which serves as a key to acceptance to prestigious universities and majors. Participants take part in after-school group mathematics lessons twice a week; while they also receive; tutoring when needed and take part in enrichment workshops on various topics, with a focus on STEM studies



 KNAFAIM (Wings)

Knafaim is a key program of the Jewish Agency for Israel which provides financial support and counseling to young immigrants (olim) who have come to Israel alone to serve in the IDF.  The program supports the olim during and after their army service.  Our funding will focus on helping young women after their army service develop financial independence by offering counseling on financial management, career choices and higher education.  The project is headquartered in Tel Aviv serving young women throughout Israel.


Youth Futures- Youth Futures program for Prevention of Domestic Violence

Youth Futures is a project of the Jewish Agency for Israel, which operates in thirty-six locations throughout Israel focusing on improving the lives of children and families at risk through the work of local mentors. Our support enables the special training of the mentors to recognize signs of family violence and then to counsel and support the mothers involved to develop economic independence through employment.  Israel Lions of Judah supports this program in Kiryat Gat.


ALMA – Pre-military Preparatory Program for the Advancement of Women’s Leadership

Alma established in order to provide young women with leadership potential coming from the socio-economic periphery, the opportunity to grow, advance and contribute to the State of Israel. The participants go through an exciting transformation process of discovering their own personal abilities, decision-making capabilities and possibilities to advance in society. At the end of the six month program participants are encouraged and enabled to join the IDF in positions that provide them with leadership opportunities and life skills.  Serving in such positions will help them to enter Israeli society successfully. The project is located in Jerusalem. As part of the program, the young women volunteer in a variety of programs in the area.



SAFETY NET PROGRAM- Break the cycle of domestic violence, empowering victims of domestic violence.

The SAFETY NET PROGRAM, at-risk women and children are given a chance at a new life, starting over safely, with the support in place to break the cycle of violence. To empower women to achieve economic security and long-term financial independence through individual and group coaching, mentorship and specialty workshops as well as opportunities for career counselling, job training and repairing credit.



לחזרה לפרויקטים הנוכחיים

הצטרפי אלינו

קרן אריה יהודה ישראל הינה קונספט חדש של פילנתרופיה נשית בישראל. בארגון חברתי אשר נרתם והתחייב לקידום והעצמה של נשים ונערות בחברה הישראלית

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